Other numbers:
- 442 days (ownership)
- Several hundred trips enabled by the Firefly
- 191 hours, 51 minutes (total time). The hundreds digit is not shown in the display.
- Scores of friendly compliments
- 10.4 km/h (average speed)
- 3 worn out front tires (current one seems like a winner)
- 2 significant mechanical issue:
- Loose axle nut
- Shims for the wheelchair frame attachment are slippery. If used, inspect regularly and check bolts for tightness.
- 2 tip-over accidents (sideways)
- Riding up a steep and narrow temporary ramp, losing traction near the top, fishtailing backwards, and tipping over the side. Relying on momentum rather than traction to get up steep slopes is dangerous. The result of not reaching the top can be an extended loss of control, because sliding friction is less than static friction. Rear wheel braking could help, because the rear wheels have a lot more traction (but engaging them while moving backwards could make the vehicle flip). Reversing up steep slopes can be safer.
- While going around an illegally parked truck. Always cross drop-offs at a perpendicular angle, even when annoyed.
- 1 empty battery (later replaced with a larger one)
- 1 flat rear tire (from a thumb tack)
- 0 collisions
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